Residents at Bristol Care Home get to relive an old interest

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Bristol Care Homes & Warmley Wheelers blog

On 15th June, three residents from Bristol Care Homes (Quarry House, and Field House) had a lovely experience with Warmley Wheelers.

The beautiful story of Nan

Bristol Care Homes and Warmley Wheelers

Nan, a Scottish resident of our care homes in Bristol, used to be a keen cyclist and was a member of a cycling club. She has cycled overseas on several occasions and has even competed in a time trial.

Nan never thought she would cycle again; she is living at Quarry House in Fishponds, a home for people with dementia and other nursing requirements.

This unique trip for the three residents was organised by the activities and minibus team, Sam, Marcia, Andy, and Jeremy.

John and Marjorie share their joy

John, a Quarry House resident, was also on the excursion.
“When I was younger and fitter, I used to raise funds for charities by cycling,” John explained. “I remember cycling from Somerset to Kingswood once.”

Marjorie was also present on the trip; a resident of Field House, our care home in Horfield, Bristol. She was an extremely athletic woman who participated in numerous marathons during her life, and cycling was also one of her favourite interests.

A sense of belonging and purpose

Bristol Care Homes & Warmley Wheelers 2

“It has been a truly heartwarming experience to see the care homes residents in Bristol enjoying a hobby they once loved,” said Marcia Ellington, Social Engagement and Well-being Manager for Bristol Care Homes.

“We would like to give special thanks to Warmley Wheelers for making it possible by providing a range of bikes to suit all needs and abilities, they were very welcoming, and we felt safe whilst cycling.”

Residents living in care homes need to feel linked to the community since it gives them a sense of belonging and purpose, so encouraging them to participate in hobbies and daily activities outside of the homes is important.

“It’s been a wonderful day,” Nan added, “and I would recommend it to others.”

If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to contact any of our 4 care homes in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

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