There has recently been an update in the management of Coronavirus in care homes and our Bristol Care Homes management has reviewed our guidance. We have not had an update for some time, and this update has one significant change within it which is why we all felt it important to refresh our Coronavirus guidance. If you would like to see our previous Coronavirus guidance, please click here.
A significant change
The significant change is the removal of the requirement for ‘universal masking’ in care homes. This means that under normal circumstances the guidance allows for Bristol Care Homes staff and residents not to wear masks around the homes, whilst close to residents or when delivering care.
Clearly, this is a big step for us after so long of being very careful wearing masks and PPE, and there are some scenarios where mask-wearing would remain a requirement. These are as follows:
- If a resident receiving care is suspected or known to have Covid.
- If a staff member is a household or overnight contact with someone with Covid.
- If the care home has an active outbreak or is in recovery from a recent outbreak.
- If there is an event that has a high risk of transmission within the home.
- If an individual resident prefers staff and others attending them to wear a mask.
Continuous safety at Bristol Care Homes
Here at Bristol Care Homes, we will continue to manage the first four of these exceptions and ensure that masks are worn in each of these scenarios. If we will be experiencing cases of Covid our homes, we will maintain the position that staff and visitors will be required to wear masks until the outbreak and risk are over.
The important exception to note is that of the preference and choice of the resident. We will engage with each Bristol Care Homes resident and appropriate others to determine the preference of each person. If any residents do not have the capacity to make that decision on their own we will ensure the appropriate engagement to make a decision in their best interests. If the decision is that masks are to be continued then we will ensure that all staff and visitors wear a mask when in contact with those individuals.
We are open to your feedback
If you have any questions or concerns about this latest step then please make contact with the Nurse Management team at each of the Bristol Care Homes and they will be more than happy to discuss the situation
Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding of how we are managing these issues, it is greatly appreciated. And thank you to our amazing staff who have been always so keen on keeping our homes and residents safe.
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